There are many sites which claim that they are free. however there are some limitations in using these free web hosting. if you want to learn something in web devlopment and web designs then free web hosting will makes you lot’s easier in order to pratice.

well, you can find many websites which provide free web hosting. but in the free web hosting, there are some limitations you aren’t able to fully run the hosting as normal because it asks you for upgrading. if you are new and want to get knowledge on websites and design then at first you can go with the free option. for professional work and sites, free Webhosting isn’t much effective. they are slow and don’t come with an SSL certificate. mainly free web hosting doesn’t provide free SSL. you need to pay some amount for it.
What can do at Free Web Hosting?

Free web hosting is somehow similar to the paid ones. But the paid web hosting has many advanced features. you can’t use these features in a free web host. in the free version, there will be lots of advertisements and promotions. Every time you need to cancel the ads to run web hosting. this will irritate you many times. there is no SSL certificate for free users. SSL is a must because the visitors of the websites get a warning from the browser. if there is no SSL certificate on the site.
How to Activate free Web Hosting?

it’s very simple to use free web hosting. all you need to do is visit any site given below;
- Infinity free
- Wix
- 000Web Host
- Google Cloud Hosting
- Award space
- Free Hostia
- Byet Host
- Hyper PHP
- Free web hosting area
Just visit any of these sites there are usually two options go for the free option. you can attach your domain with the hosting and you will be able to use any web hosting for free. You can also upgrade to the pro version later. in this way, all data will also be saved even if you upgrade to the pro version of any web hosting.

Everything in the world which is free has some limitations too. this free web hosting has many limitations. your data can be erased at any moment. there is no guarantee that this free web hosting will preserve your all data. This free web host is only effective if you are using it for learning purposes. Because in this competition free web hosting doesn’t meet the level of proficiency. but if you are interested in web design and development these free sites will help you a lot. you can start building up your sites now. later on, you can switch to the pro version of web hosting.

Free web hosting also gives a good result. apart from being slow, they help a lot in analyzing the data for website learners free web hosting is much effective. they give a similar result as paid ones. the dashboard all elements are similar to the pro version of any web host. You can become a successful web designer with the help of the free version.
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