DMCA Compliance | Link Removal Request

At GigaBunch, we respect the intellectual property rights of others and expect our users to do the same. Our Movie Bot is designed to help users find their favorite movies and shows. However, despite our best efforts, it may occasionally provide links to content that infringes on copyright laws.

We are committed to addressing any concerns regarding copyright infringement promptly. If you believe that our bot has directed users to content that infringes your copyright, please notify us immediately using the steps below:

Steps to Submit a DMCA Takedown Request:

  1. Identify the specific link(s) that our chatbot has provided to watch your content. (Optional)
  2. Provide the name of your movie, show, or other proprietary content.
  3. Include up to keywords that you want to ban by our chatbot permanently.
  4. Email the above information to

We take these requests seriously and aim to remove any infringing links from our bot within 30 minutes of receiving your email.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a lawful and respectful online environment.


The GigaBunch Team

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