There is no doubt that TikTok has become one of the most popular short video-sharing applications worldwide. The app has about 689 active users worldwide. In a short time, TikTok has gained huge popularity. The app has the highest number of users from many countries like Russia, Japan, Indonesia, etc. Lately, TikTok has been banned in various countries like India and Pakistan.

India has banned TikTok showing the privacy issue. According to the china government’s law and policy, any application which is established within their county territory has to share all the information that the application company has. India doesn’t want its citizen data to be leaked showing this privacy reason TikTok has been banned in India. However, TikTok refuses all the allegations and says their user data are encrypted and do not share with government bodies.
Will Tiktok Banned?

Many people are worried about the TikTok banned news. Well, there is not so much tension in this matter because there is a very rare chance of getting TikTok banned. As we know the rules and regulations of the USA are very strict and TikTok has seemed to fulfill all the criteria that our government set for applications. If the claim that is made by TikTok is true then there is a very rare chance of TikTok getting banned. Titok has earlier said that non of the data of their users will be shared. so, this might be good news for TikTok lovers.
Is TikTok safe?

Everybody in the world wants to know that is TikTok safe? many rumors and false allegations have downed the image of TikTok. But if you analyze deeply TikTok doesn’t seem to be a harmful application. Because if we go back in late 80’s people used to read the newspaper, magazines, comics and all. By the timeless people are engaged with the newspaper. According to the time the medium for receiving news, entertainment, and music keep on update. Now, we are in the era of TikTok and youtube. we can get anything we love in less than a second at our fingertips. isn’t that’s amazing.
The main question is TikTok safe? are my data are transferring to China. Tiktok has briefly explained in their terms and conditions that they are not accessing your private information. They claim that every detail about TikTok is encrypted. That’s why there is no problem so far using TikTok.
Is there any alternative for Tiktok

Tiktok is currently banned in many countries. If we look into the competitive app for TikTok then there are very few. Instagram reels, mx takatak all these applications are growing slowly but they aren’t at the point of TikTok. Because TikTok has a very large audience from all over the globe. you can also use applications like Instagram reels, mx takatak, snack video as an alternative. Because with some tricks any creators can also make money from these apps too.
How To download Tiktok video Without watermark or logo?

TikTok has given an option for downloading the videos for free. If you download the app from the official store the watermark of the TikTok gets arise. you can actually download it without having the logo of it.
Follow these simple steps and get the tiktok video without the watermark;
- STEP 1
Go to the application of the tiktok and select the video you like to download. you can select anyone video any download it for free. there are no any restrictions for it.
- STEP 2
Secondly all you need to do is copy the link of that particullat video that you wanna download.
- STEP 3
After copying the link go the site name musical down paste the link that you have copied from the app. There will be various option click on the MP4 option. you will have your tiktok video without anu watermark.
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