Simple Trick To Swipe on Instagram PC | 2021

Swipe on Instagram PC

Instargarm is a popular social media platfrom own by an facebook company. There is no doubt that Instagram is one of the world biggest social media company. The app has about one billion active users. This platform is widely known for sharing a pictures or messages with the friends or a family. There are many unique feature in this platform which attract a lot of users towards it.

Mostly this platform is used in mobile phones through app because you can do multiple things from app. However there are some limitations if you are using the Instagram from Computer. There are not wide ranges of features available for computer. Recently the features of sending message has been added for desktop or computer user. Apart from that there are many features which you cannot use. For example uploading a picture directly from a Computer.

You will be not able to swipe on instagram through PC. But Following these simple methods you will be able to swipe though computer or laptop.

Table of Contents

Steps for swipe on Instargam with PC

  • Go to google

The first step in here is open your chrome browser from the computer. Go to google and search for inssist web client for instagram.

  • Download the chrome extension

INSSIST is the best chrome extension. which helps in managing instagram though computer. This is a popular extension used by thousands of people all over the world.

  • Open your instagram

Once you download the extension. Open your instagram from chrome browser.

  • Go to extension

Go to the inssist extension and open it. Once you open your instagram it will start running in a small windows via extension.

How to use swipe on Instagram PC

Swipe on Instagram PC

Now you might get little confused after seeing the extension but it is not a problem. It is actually a solution. you will start using your instagram from pc with the same experience like a mobile phone. In this way you will be able to upload your pic through computer. Send messages and many more.

How to create swipe up post on Instagram with PC

Swipe on Instagram PC

The procedure is quite simple. It is almost similar to a mobile phone steps. For better clarity follow these simple steps:

  • Open instagram

First open your instagram through extension. You can see a similar interface like your mobile phone.

  • Click on camera icon

In the top left corner you will see the portion of a camera. click on that and open it.

  • Select your background picture

Choose your desired picture for making a beautiful background for a swip up post.

  • Click on link icon

At the top of the screen you will see the option of a link. click on that link and paste your swipe up link URL

  • Search Swipe up GIF

GIF bring life to a design. so select a beautiful GIF and post your story thorough computer without any issues.

Additional Tips

Swipe on Instagram PC

If you are having an multiple account then this extension can be a life saviour for you. Many features are unlocked by this extension for a better user experience. apart from uploading pictures you can also do video chat and messeges.

If you are a personal handler through its better to buy the premium version of this extension. they offer wide ranges of features with good customers support. Managing multiple accounts from a mobile phone can create a difficult in real life tasks. If you are not at business the free features provided by the extension is enough for you.

Now, experience the vibe of using instgaram through your own computer. Manage your post or account properly with the help of this useful extension.

For more Tips and Tricks like this click here

Feel free to message us if you get any problem during the entire steps:

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