Here are the ways to buy your bitcoin legally now. bitcoin is a cryptocurrency developed by Satoshi Nakamoto a Japanese man on Jan 3, 2009. Bitcoin is a curiosity for all people. Many governments have shown positive responses towards cryptocurrency over time. If you are hesitating to buy bitcoin. You should think about it again because the richest people from all around the globe are spending huge money on it
Steps to buying cryptocurrency
Search for a review

Some numerous applications and sites claim to be legal and genuine, but people are getting scammed by these fake sites and applications. To save your money search for and review apps like coin switch,wazirax is genuine now. their reviews are quite impressive(note: not a paid sponsor) look for an app that has a high no of downloads.
Appropriate KYC

Your profitable money may get trapped if you didn’t fill your KYC properly. KYC is the only legal way that shows ownership of a bitcoin. Be cautious while filling in your address, name, phone number, emails. note it down in safety.
Invest with a low amount

To gets aware of fraud and scams invest with a low amount. If the application or site became unable to return your profit there would be high chances that the app or a site is fraud. For conforming invest with a very low amount. Further, increase your money.
Secure your computer/phone

After buying bitcoin your whole lot,s of pieces of information are stored in your computer to maintain security secure your computer/phone avoid unnecessary emails and applications. The above tips may help you to buy your cryptocurrency.
also for more information click here